EnMAP Example Data Products

Selected EnMAP data sets are provided to the user community as representative examples of the products available to EnMAP users. For details concerning the data format and content, please refer to the product specification and ATBDs of the different levels in the data access page. The performance and characterization of the EnMAP instrument and processors have been reported in Storch et al 2023.

We would like to point out that the EnMAP test data may be used under consideration of the license documents: AUP, Collaboration Contract, Data License, Data Protection Declaration.

Tyrol, Austria

12 June 2022 |  47.09 N, 10.81 E

This EnMAP tile shows the Alps in Tyrol, Austria. The L2A product was produced in "land mode", meaning land and water areas were processed using the atmospheric processing software for land (surface reflectance values for all pixels).

Processing details
  • L1B: Default
  • L1C: UTM projection, bilinear interpolation
  • L2A: UTM projection, bilinear interpolation, land mode, no cirrus or haze removal, no terrain correction, summer season, ozone column 313 DU

Groningen, Netherlands

10 August 2022 |  53.43 N, 6.53 E

This EnMAP tile shows the North Sea coast close to the city of Groningen, Netherlands. The L2A product was produced in "combined mode", meaning land and water areas were processed using the atmospheric processing software for land and water respectively (surface reflectance values for land pixels and underwater reflectance values for water pixels).

Processing details
  • L1B: Default
  • L1C: UTM projection, bilinear interpolation
  • L2A: UTM projection, bilinear interpolation, combined mode, no cirrus or haze removal, no terrain correction, summer season, ozone column 319 DU

Nevada, USA

7 July 2023 |  37.55 N, 117.17 W

This EnMAP tile features a desert landscape in Nevada, USA. The L2A product was produced in "land mode", meaning land and water areas were processed using the atmospheric processing software for land (surface reflectance values for all pixels).

Processing details
  • L1B: Default
  • L1C: UTM projection, bilinear interpolation
  • L2A: UTM projection, bilinear interpolation, land mode, no cirrus or haze removal, no terrain correction, summer season, ozone column 330 DU

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