EnMAP First Light!

published on May 05, 2022
True color image of a subset of about 30 km x 54 km (red: 637 nm, green: 547 nm, blue: 461 nm)
Composite of a subset of about 30 km x 54 km (red: 2340 nm, green: 1570 nm, blue: 1210 nm)
On April 27, 2022, EnMAP captured the first light image. It recorded a strip about 30 kilometers wide and 180 kilometers long over Istanbul on the Bosporus in Turkey with Europe and Asia, and then downlinked and processed the data. The applied calibration was based on data measured by the instrument in the laboratory.

These first images already give a good foretaste of what can be expected by EnMAP. The high quality in all channels is well visible on the one hand in low noise and disturbing image fringes in the extensive dynamic range, which is especially evident in dark areas like water, and on the other hand in typical spectral profiles.

Illustration of the dynamic range and spectral profiles of three pixels

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