EnMAP SWIR band configuration update

published on July 04, 2023

Based on user feedback and in order to harmonize the EnMAP products with other missions, the band configuration of EnMAP will be changed so that new bands are provided to the user in the SWIR range. For this purpose the EnMAP mission is planning to perform an update of the SWIR bands configuration after confirming the success of the test completed during May this year.

To perform this change of the instrument configuration, a short outage of a few hours on the morning of 05.07.2023 is required. From that time on, the currently available SWIR bands with approximate center wavelengths 1939, 1949 and 1958 nm will no longer be present in newly acquired EnMAP products and new bands with approximate center wavelengths 1450, 1767 and 1782 nm will be added to the EnMAP products. The total number of SWIR bands after the configuration update will remain constant. Note that all products acquired before 05.07.2023 will not be affected by this change and all products, regardless of their SWIR bands configuration, can be ordered normally with present and future versions of the EnMAP processors.

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