Welcome to EnMAP

The German Spaceborne Imaging Spectrometer Mission

The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission that monitors and characterizes Earth’s environment on a global scale. EnMAP measures geochemical, biochemical and biophysical variables providing information on the status and evolution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. More information about the main objectives and the status can be found on the mission page.

The planned schedule of upcoming priority acquisitions is available in the Foreground Mission


  • Shorter path names for delivered EnMAP products
    published on July 22, 2024

    Since Friday 19.07.2024, the path names of EnMAP products ordered through EOWEB have been shortened. This change enhances the compatibility of EnMAP-delivered files with operating systems that have maximum path length limitations, solving issues previously encountered with these products.

  • New MOOC in the HYPERedu Online Course Series ‘Beyond the Visible’
    published on June 25, 2024

    As part of the HYPERedu education initiative, the first Massive Open Online Course on the ‘Principles of Imaging Spectroscopy’ was published November 2021. Two shorter MOOCs on ‘Agricultural Applications’ (2022) and ‘EnMAP Data Access and Image Preprocessing Techniques’ (2023) followed and have been received very positively by the hyperspectral community – over 850 participants have completed the ‘Beyond the Visible’ Online Course Series at date!

    Since June 10th 2024, HYPERedu’s third ‘mini’ MOOC on soil applications is permanently available at EO-College. All learning videos can be additionally accessed through the HYPERedu YouTube channel. More information about the courses as well as the registration links can be found at the course page at EO-College.

  • Processor change log now available online
    published on June 21, 2024

    The change log of the EnMAP processor is now available in the Data & Access section under Related Documents (direct link here) and will be updated whenever necessary. The change log provides a simplified overview of the main improvements introduced in the EnMAP processor software since launch. Based on this information, users can autonomously decide which processor versions are more adequate for their application cases. A more in-depth description of the different EnMAP processor versions and corresponding improvements may be found in the mission quarterly reports in the Mission section.

  • Back-to-Back image tasking introduced in EnMAP
    published on May 28, 2024
    Back-to-Back image tasking has been recently introduced in the EnMAP mission and will allow for more image acquisitions in regions of high interest by minimizing the required distance between single acquisition requests. In the coming weeks the system will be optimized for this new situation. Until then, some issues with the tasking of certain orders can appear and work is ongoing to continuously improve the system. In the meantime, we kindly suggest to browse the EnMAP archive to check if your area of interest has already been observed.
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